Healthcare professionals training
18 Mar 2023
"Communicating, reasoning and deciding in healthcare"
Master in International Patient Advocacy Management, organized by Engageminds-Hub and ALTEMS – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano.
13 Nov 2021
“Come comunicare la salute. Elementi didattici”
Master Universitario di II livello in Patient Advocacy Management, organized by Engageminds-Hub and ALTEMS – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma.
20 May 2021
“Comunicare con il paziente oncologico. Aspetti linguistici”
"Corso di perfezionamento in etica e metodologia della sperimentazione clinica oncologica", organized by Gianluca Vago and Virginia Sanchini, Università degli Studi di Milano.
10 Apr 2021
“Strategie comunicative nell’interazione con il paziente”
Master universitario "RehabTech: Tecnologie per l'innovazione in medicina riabilitativa e per l’assistenza", organized by Politecnico di Milano.
14 Nov 2020
“Come comunicare la salute. Elementi didattici”
Master Universitario di II livello in Patient Advocacy Management, organized by Engageminds-Hub and ALTEMS – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma.
15 Nov 2019
“La comunicazione nei contesti professionali. Vincoli e sfide”
Faculty for the course Diabete 3.0 [Diabetes 3.0], Monteriggioni, Italy.
09 Nov 2019
“Come comunicare la salute: Modelli argomentativi in sanità”
[How to communicate health: Argumentative models in healthcare], class at the Master Universitario di II livello in Patient Advocacy Management, organized by ALTEMS – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma.
20 Sep 2019
“Detto, non detto, presupposto o implicato? Le dimensioni del non-verbale nel contesto del dialogo medico-paziente”
[Said, unsaid, presupposed or implied? The dimensions of non-verbal communication in the context of doctor-patient interactions], master class within the course for infectiologists COACHiv – Comunicazione e counselling in HIV oggi [COACHiv – Communication and counselling in HIV today], Florence, Italy.
03 May 2019
“Studiare la comunicazione medico-paziente: Temi e risorse”
[Studying doctor-patient communication: Topics and resources], master class within the course for hematologists on La gestione delle comunicazioni difficili con pazienti gravemente ammalati [Managing difficult conversations with seriously ill patients], organized by Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia and Vital Talk, Modena, Italy.
29-30 Jun 2018
“Comunicazione efficace per il patient engagement: modelli e strategie”
[Effective communication for patient engagement: models and strategies], master class organized by the Scuola per Educatori in diabetologia AMD, Rome, Italy.
21 Jun 2018
“Engagement e patient advocacy. Il ruolo delle associazioni nella medicina partecipativa”
[Engagement and advocacy. The role of consumer associations in participated medicine], master class on engagement and patient advocacy organized by the research center Engageminds-Hub, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy.
13-14 Oct 2017
“Come comunicare in modo efficace”
[How to communicate effectively], master class for diabetologists, Naples, Italy.
16 Sep 2017
“La centralità della persona con diabete tipo 2. Innovazione farmacologica, appropriatezza prescrittiva ed empowerment”
[The centrality of the person with Type 2 Diabetes. Pharmacological innovation, prescriptive appropriateness and empowerment], master class for diabetologists organized by the regional section for Lombardy of the Association of Italian Diabetologists, Milan, Italy.
09-10 Jun 2017
“Health Literacy and Quality of Care”
Master class for diabetologists organized by the Scuola Permanente di Formazione Continua AMD [School for Continuing Education of the Association of Italian Diabetologists] in collaboration with the Subcommittee AMD on Psychology and Diabetes, Siracusa, Italy.
03-04 Feb 2017
“La forza delle parole”
[The power of words], Master class for diabetologists organized by the Scuola di Formazione AMD [School of the Association of Italian Diabetologists] in collaboration with the Subcommittee AMD on Psychology and Diabetes, Rome, Italy.
Occasionally, members of the HRLab have been invited to give classes within training events for healthcare professionals.
Contact us if you would like to collaborate!
Here is the list of past participations: